Houston Headshot Photographer
VJPIC is a Houston portrait photographer who is regarded as The Cinematic Headshot photography. He’s best known for the genuine expressions he captures for his executive business portraits and actor’s headshots.
Cinematic Headshot
Cinematic headshots are a trendy style with actors and corporate photography clients. Traditionally cinematic headshots are captured in camera using a shallow depth of field and photographing clients on location in an environment that complements their look. What if you could now create a cinematic-style headshot for your client in the comfort of your studio? I’ve created a collection of cinematic backgrounds for headshot photographers so that you can now offer this service!
Schedule and Timeline
Due to demand, our team tends to be booked 1-2 months in advance.
If you are booking a session with us, check your schedule for the following month to see if we would be right for you.
Please give us 48 hours or less to respond; we are busy, but we care.